
News for 2025 Memberships

Starting in 2025, all membership dues will be $100 per year, covering the period from April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026. Please note that there will no longer be a reduced fee for new members.

Information for current and prospective members

Renewing members

Renewing members are required to pay full year dues, regardless when renewing in the calendar year.

Renew membership with PayPal or bring Checks/RAC Bucks to Club meetings, 3D shoots, etc. (any place a board member is present).

A 5% charge is added for electronic payments to cover PayPal processing fees. This is not applied when paying by cash or check.

Renewing MembersFamily* & Individual MembershipYouth Membership**
(Under 18 years old)
April 1 – March 31$100.00 (can use PayPal)$20.00
*A family membership includes an individual + partner + any children under 18 living in a household + any dependent children up to age 26 if they are enrolled in a post-secondary education program.
**Annual Youth Single Memberships are available up to their 18th birthday.

New members

New members will complete a New Membership Application and provide a membership payment.

The new member application process involves the application form and a payment. These can be done electronically or through mail outlined below.

1. Complete the application form:

  • Open the RAC Membership Application Form
  • Edit the fields within the form & save the completed form.
  • Then either:
    1. Email files to [email protected]
    2. Print paperwork and mail with a check to:
    Rochester Archery Club,
    PO Box 6701,
    Rochester, MN 55903-6701

2. Submit payment:
Use the table below to determine the amount you need to include with your application for membership.

Membership CalendarFamily & Individual
Membership Cost
Youth Membership Cost
(Under 18 years old)
April 1 – March 31$100.00 (can use PayPal)$20.00